On behalf of the children, staff and Board of Governors, I offer you a very warm welcome to the website of St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Wednesbury.
St. Mary’s offers a Catholic education for primary aged pupils (3 to 11 year olds) living within the Parish of St Mary’s, Wednesbury and the surrounding area. We also welcome families from other denominations and faith traditions who are willing to support the mission of our school, i.e.
"Our community, growing and learning together with Christ"
It has long been a tradition at St. Mary’s that parents, teachers and governors work closely together to ensure that all children fulfil their potential and become valued, confident members of society who demonstrate respect for others.
We strive to provide an exciting and enjoyable curriculum which fosters in children a lifelong love of learning. The pupils behave well, take a pride in their schoolwork and achieve excellent results. They are prepared well for the next stage in their learning pathway, whether they are in Nursery, Reception, Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) or Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6). The majority of our children move on to Stuart Bathurst Catholic High School, College of Performing Arts, Wednesbury for their secondary education.
Since 1st April 2020, we have operated as part of the St. John Bosco Catholic Multi Academy Company. The partnerships we develop with other schools and agencies help to develop, strengthen and enrich the learning opportunities we offer to our children.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find all the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have, and visits are warmly encouraged.
We hope that you will choose St. Mary's for your child and we look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure you always feel positively involved in your child’s education.
Thank you for visiting!
Amy Pritchard
Here's Mrs Pritchard and Mr. Southall with some pupils filming our MAC Video.