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Maths Curriculum Intent:

At St. Mary’s, we aim to instil in pupils a love of number and pattern which will lead to the development of strong arithmetic, reasoning and problem solving skills which will fit them well for the future. Maths is about exploring, mastering skills in counting and developing an understanding of number. It involves exploring shape and pattern, and measurement through activities which contextualise skills and knowledge. Maths develops a curiosity in the world around us, offers solutions to problems and helps to develop greater independence as our learners grow.

Maths: Implementation

So teach us to number our days so that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

At St. Mary’s, we …
Follow the NCETM Prioritisation Curriculum. This is based on the Ready-to Progress document produced by the DfE (2020). The additional Statutory requirements are addressed within additional units. Third Space Learning, NCETM Spines and NRich are used to support this curriculum.

DfE: Aims of the publication are to…
• bring greater coherence to the national curriculum by exposing core concepts in the national curriculum and demonstrating progression from year 1 to year 6
• Summarise the most important knowledge and understanding within each year group and important connections between these mathematical topics teach Mastery maths with the CPA approach.

The ready-to-progress criteria in this document are organised into 6 strands, each of which has its own code for ease of identification. Measurement and Statistics are integrated as applications of number criteria, and elements of measurement that relate to shape are included in the Geometry strand.

• Fact Fluency- Number Sense Scheme to be followed in KS1 And Y3
• Number Sense- Times Tables Scheme Y3 & Y4
• EYFS follow Number Sense Early Years which covers the statutory Number teaching.
• Number Sense Intervention Programme to be used further in KS2 with any children identified. (10 week intervention)
• The Rosenshine’s Principles are addressed through daily Retrieve and Review tasks, demonstrating long and short term retrieval activities.
• Y5 and Y6 complete the ‘Four Ops’ retrieval activities at the beginning of every maths lesson.
• Third Space’s Fluent in Five is used Daily as morning tasks in KS1 and KS2.                                                                                                               

EYFS have daily Maths routines which include things such as; counting songs, Number story books, Numberblocks episodes.

St. Mary's curriculum follows the Mastery approach and we aim to...

- teach less, learn more: less teacher talk and more evidencing work and progress.
- ensure that no child is left behind: all children are enabled to keep up every day.
- provide space and time to experience and apply, with all children entitled to additional support to ensure they do not fall behind or to go deeper.
- use real life applications wherever possible to make learning relevant and not abstract; nothing should be taught without a purpose.
- teach all children in class, together, most of the time.
- organise children working in mixed ability pairs/groups.
- give verbal feedback during lessons and intervention sessions, shortened comments in books and more ticking of correct concepts.
- spend longer on one idea.
- give children who need it additional support during same day intervention sessions.

Maths Curriculum Progression:

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